Latin America’s Leading Digital Infrastructure Provider Cirion Joins Connectbase Platform

Latin America’s Leading Digital Infrastructure Provider Cirion Joins Connectbase Platform

Latin America’s Leading Digital Infrastructure Provider Cirion Joins Connectbase Platform

BOSTON, MA, USA – February 22, 2024 – Connectbase, the global marketplace for connectivity, is thrilled to announce that Cirion, a trailblazing digital infrastructure and technology provider with over 30 years of experience in Latin America, has officially become a featured seller on the Connectbase platform. This strategic collaboration will empower Cirion to showcase and automate the sale of its extensive suite of connectivity solutions. By loading its footprint onto the platform, Cirion aims to enhance accessibility for its buyers and other ecosystem customers, streamlining the process of purchasing cutting-edge digital infrastructure services.

Cirion’s integration into the Connectbase platform and API Fabric signifies a strategic alignment of goals. This collaboration will enhance Cirion’s ability to showcase and automate the sale of its connectivity solutions, providing an enriched experience for buyers within the Connectbase ecosystem.

Benefits of the Collaboration:

  • Streamlined Connectivity Solutions: Buyers within the Connectbase ecosystem will have streamlined direct API access to Cirion’s cutting-edge connectivity solutions and be able to quote Cirion’s services in Latin America.
  • Global Reach: Cirion, as a leading Pan-Latin American network present in 20 countries, will bring a expansive reach to the Connectbase platform, enriching the diversity of connectivity options available.
  • Innovation and Progress: Both companies share a commitment to innovation and progress, ensuring that customers receive the necessary connectivity and IT resources to meet the evolving challenges and opportunities in Latin America and worldwide.

Connectbase CEO Ben Edmond and Cirion’s EVP of Global Sales, Gabriel Holgado, issued a joint statement expressing their excitement about the partnership:

“We are thrilled to embark on this journey with Cirion. This partnership represents a union of expertise and innovation that will redefine the digital infrastructure landscape. Together, we look forward to empowering businesses with seamless connectivity solutions and driving progress in Latin America and beyond.”

About Connectbase

Connectbase is the leading global marketplace platform for the digital infrastructure and connectivity industry.  Connectbase is a partner to the industry, enabling best-in-class deep, trusted location insights; next-generation applications for suppliers, partners and buyers, and is the world’s largest connected API Fabric for Service Providers.    Connectbase’s industry-leading platform, The Connected World, serves over 360 providers globally, managing 2.7 billion locations across more than 150 countries. The Connectbase connected ecosystem which transforms network buying and selling processes is updated 80 billion times a month. Visit Connectbase at and follow us on LinkedIn at

About Cirion:

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber networks, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communications and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses.  Cirion owns and operates a portfolio of networks and data centers, with extensive coverage throughout the Latin American region.  Learn more about Cirion at

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Wona Park Smith
(508) 395-1244

Cirion Media Contact:

Paula Vivo
Cirion Technologies
T: +55 11 3957-2424[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

Changing the way we watch TV thanks to high-performance internet and a friendly live streaming

Changing the way we watch TV thanks to high-performance internet and a friendly live streaming e Cirion:


Changing the way we watch TV thanks to high-performance internet and a friendly live streaming


Chilean company adopted Cirion Technologies’ technology and services to reach thousands of users in Latin America through its live streaming platform, with almost zero latency and a nimble and intuitive experience.

Today’s live streaming television takes us to new places – we can enjoy traditional sports during the week or watch long-awaited movies in the comfort of our homes.   It allows us to explore the world in real time and access a large number of content creators and experiences, wherever we are, with just a click or slide of a finger on our smartphones.   However, this live and instant “magic” requires a critical engine: a high-quality, internet backbone service.

For this was no simple task, since video is what generates the largest amount of internet traffic in the world.   Between 60% and 70% of global internet traffic is caused by video traffic, which consumes the most bandwidth.  Therefore, deploying a live video platform without affecting the different internet providers or internet backbone routes, is not easy.

“We felt the need to seek an internet provider that would allow our platform to be as close as possible to people, since the less “hops” the user needs while connecting to our platform, the better it is for communications and the lower the probability of encountering saturated internet backbones”, explains Ignacio Opazo, CTO and Co-founder of  “We view Cirion as a solid company we can trust and work with, obtaining the necessary bandwidth and the best quality possible in the market.   From the beginning of the project, we’ve always had a very fluid relationship with Cirion,” adds Opazo. began its relationship with Cirion in 2019, in Chile, where we provided the streaming company with what they needed: a 100Gb internet backbone, Housing and Cross Connect (end-to-end cable links).   In practice, Ignazio Opazo explains, there are even more Gbs, “because we have these 100 Gb with each one of our customers, that is, around 500Gb distributed.   Furthermore, we’re connected to the international backbone to give us a quick exit to Brazil and Peru, with minimum latency”.

“We also needed a partner who would help us grow in Latin America, and Cirion has been leading the region for more than 30 years.  To us, it’s easier to operate in several countries, like Brazil, Peru, and soon in Colombia, without having to search for new internet providers in each country”, added the CTO.

It’s worth remembering that live streaming generates enormous internet traffic, differently from traditional on-demand streaming, like Netflix and other plataforms.  Furthermore, has their own live streaming channels, where they offer a second by second service and can’t have any latency.  Having a premium internet service becomes essential for the service, especially if we consider that only in Chile the service already has more than 100 thousand subscribers.

“Thanks to Cirion’s regional presence and experience, with our extensive fiber network, cutting-edge technology, and background offering high-capacity, high-availability connectivity solutions, Zapping can reach new Latin American markets without the complexity of having to look for other providers”, explains  David Iacobucci, from Cirion Chile.’s expansion in Latin America didn’t take long to happen. is present in Chile, Brazil, Peru, and soon in Colombia, and plans to expand to other countries in Latin America.   Thanks to Cirion’s solid presence in these countries, when arriving in new markets, we only need to assemble and replicate the previously designed architecture.   “Entering new countries with Cirion is very simple”, underscored Opazo.

“Our customers received this really well, since content is deployed instantly and in any device.   Thanks to Cirion’s technology, we can deliver a high-quality service with no latency”, concluded Zapping’s CTO. 

About Cirion

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber networks, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communications and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses. Cirion owns and operates a portfolio of networks and data centers, with extensive coverage throughout the Latin American region. Learn more about Cirion at

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Cirion to Deploy New 20 MW Data Center in Santiago, Chile

Cirion to Deploy New 20 MW Data Center in Santiago, Chile

Cirion to Deploy New 20 MW Data Center in Santiago, Chile

The facility will be a 20 MW state-of-the-art, energy efficient data center providing critical colocation capacity to service growing regional demand needs

This data center will have direct fiber connectivity to Cirion’s existing ecosystem-dense facility in Santiago

MIAMI, July 31, 2023 – Cirion, a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, announced that the company will commence construction of a new 20-megawatt carrier-neutral data center facility in Santiago, Chile (“SAN2”). Cirion is backed by Stonepeak, a leading alternative investment firm specializing in infrastructure and real assets with more than $57 billion in assets under management and an extensive portfolio of communications and digital infrastructure investments globally.

SAN2 is an expansion of Cirion’s existing data center footprint in Latin America and will be well-equipped to meet the needs of hyperscale cloud service providers, carriers, content providers, and enterprises that require scalable infrastructure. It is expected to be completed by early 2025 and will be built on the 23,000 square meters of land in the industrial district of Quilicura.

The new data center is strategically located near, and will be directly connected to, Cirion’s existing ecosystem-dense data center in Santiago located 2.5 kilometers away. It will have access to a business-friendly environment and renewable energy, with four independent metro fiber route entrances to the building, long-haul connectivity to major cities and tech hubs in the region and be in close proximity to international subsea cable networks to facilitate minimal latency between Latin America and other regions. SAN2 is well-positioned to serve as a critical hub for businesses in the region and beyond.

The data center will also enable businesses to build and scale their operations in a facility that aligns with Latin America’s sustainability goals, and Cirion’s Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategy and commitment to technological innovation. SAN2 will have a market-leading PUE (“Power Usage Effectiveness”), consuming minimal energy, water and natural resources to reduce its overall impact on the environment. These standards were also adopted by Cirion’s recently announced new 20 MW data center facility in Lurín, Perú (LIM2).

“The development of this new Data Center in Santiago represents another important step in our journey to grow our platform of low latency, interconnected data centers and establish a growing digital ecosystem across Latin America,” said Facundo Castro, CEO for Cirion Technologies. “This new facility in Santiago reflects Cirion´s continued commitment to investing and providing our customers with the most comprehensive suite of data center solutions to support their digital transformation across the region.”

SAN2 will be part of Cirion’s larger carrier-neutral platform, which consists of 18 owned data centers around Latin America today. Customers can connect directly to more than 90 carriers and public cloud providers in the area using peer-to-peer networking through Cirion’s data centers, which also enable scalable colocation, cross connectivity, and disaster recovery capabilities.

About Cirion:

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber network, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communication and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses. The Company owns and operates a facilities-based network and data center portfolio, with extensive coverage spanning across the Latin America region. Learn more about Cirion at

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Paula Vivo
Cirion Technologies
P: +55 11 3957-2424

Ten key points to tackle cyber attacks strategically

Ten key points to tackle cyber attacks strategically

Ten key points to tackle cyber attacks strategically


To avoid damages caused by malicious software, such as ransomware, – established as one of the Chile’s most recurring incidents – companies must implement several initiatives to strengthen their structure.

Santiago, June 06, 2023 – Ransomware has been positioned as the type of cyber attack with the greatest increase in Chile and Latin America.  This is stated by an Entel Ocean study which compared this type of incident in the first semester of 2023 with the same period in 2022 and identified an attack increase of 27% in Chile.  This data is included in Chile’s third position, behind Brazil and Mexico, regarding the amount of ransomware received to date.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software often sent via unsolicited phishing emails, which trick users by hijacking and blocking files or systems to prevent access. The “hijacker” uses encryption to turn files into hostages.  And when the victim pays the ransom, they supposedly receive a decryption key to release the locked systems.

With this scenario in mind, Ricardo Pulgarín, Cirion Technologies’ Security Solutions Architect, explains that “companies and institutions should focus on strengthening their cybersecurity framework”.  To this end, the expert provides 10 recommendations for strategically addressing potential threats:

  1. Protect recovery systems and backup data: In the event of incidents caused by individuals, ransomware or natural disasters, adopting measures that enable a quick recovery of data and systems is critical. To allow this, data must be backed up, recovery tests must be performed, and a contingency plan must be implemented to define recovery point objective (RPO) and backup frequency, as well as the recovery time objective (RTO).
  2. Run recovery test runs: This ensures that data is available, that every resource can be recovered, and that everything is working as expected. Furthermore, the determined chain of command should be communicating appropriately and there should be group and individual accountabilities.
  3. Cybersecurity training and awareness: Establishing data security must be a priority for the company. Therefore, appropriate training is key for employees to understand the risks the company may be subject to and the importance of being accountable when facing potential threats.
  4. Define the surface of attack: Organizations should know which systems, devices, and services in their environments are necessary to maintain their business online and inventory active. This will help them identify their most vulnerable areas and lay out the baseline for system recovery.
  5. Audit and manage the most vulnerable devices: For a comprehensive security strategy, it is essential to count on controls throughout all of the network’s critical points. There’s no doubt that perimeter security is important, but for it to be effective – given users’ high mobility – it  must also be complemented by security in final users’ devices.
  6. Sectorize the network: Sectorization can help contain malware. If a threat reaches the network, it should be “blocked” and prevented from moving around unchecked, therefore interrupting the collection of information.  This requires “splitting” the network into smaller segments to enhance the flow of traffic and prevent threats from moving laterally.
  7. Safeguard e-mails to avoid ransomware access: In addition to safeguarding network devices, it is also imperative to ensure that email solutions are executed with their latest updates and that firewalls are in place.
  8. Expand the focus on identity: Organizations should implement double-factor authentication mechanisms for its remote users and customers, thus providing double validation access to the most critical information. Also, they must monitor usage of gateways, protocols, and network services to prevent malicious applications from finding a security breach that can be explored by the attacker.
  9. Strengthen security along entire Cyber Kill Chain: The Cyber Kill Chain model examines how cybercriminals act to achieve their goals. Potential human failure underscores the need for a robust security technology and a cyber security strategy which integrates multiple controls and allows visualization of the different stages an attacker needs to cut through before being successful.
  10. Implement an incident response plan: A clearly defined and proven incident response plan will strongly contribute to a better outcome in case cyber attacks occur.

Cirion Technologies has a complete integrated security portfolio, with mitigation and network protection services, among others, customizable to any industry’s requirements.

For additional information, visit

About Cirion

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber networks, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communications and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses.  Cirion owns and operates a portfolio of networks and data centers, with extensive coverage throughout the Latin American region.  Learn more about Cirion at

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Carolina Díaz
Tel: + 56 9 42523795

Paulette Cartes
Tel: + 56 9 34114971

Cybersecurity: five critical areas companies must safeguard

Cybersecurity: five critical areas companies must safeguard

Cybersecurity: five critical areas companies must safeguard


In today’s reality, where international cybercriminals use malware and ransomware to carry out attacks, companies must adopt organizational strategies centered on creating protection ecosystems which include IT security, focused on information security.

Santiago, July 04th, 2023 – Although IT security has always been a relevant aspect of companies’ operations, never has this topic been so critical. With companies and institutions rapidly advancing in their digital transformation processes, and employees working in remote or hybrid systems, security has become increasingly vulnerable.

However, the notion that “this won’t happen to me” is still too frequent among companies of all sizes and segments. Without going too far, according to a 2022 Gartner report, by 2025 45% of organizations worldwide will have suffered attacks on their supply chain software, thus providing hackers and malicious actors a fertile soil where they can leverage weaknesses to drive malware and ransomware attacks, to destroy infrastructures and obtain economic gain.

So, what must companies do regarding cybersecurity?

Ricardo Pulgarín, Cirion Technologies’ Security Solutions Architect, explains: “Regardless of their size and business, companies must have an organizational security strategy encompassing two aspects: IT security – the set of technologies, processes and practices designed for network, devices, programs and data protection – and information security, such as the measures and techniques employed to control and safeguard all data handled inside the organization, ensuring that they are exposed only to the appropriate recipients; this is the area of greatest risk.

Beginning with IT security, companies must possess different protection tools to create an ecosystem which can predict and deflect attacks, detect, and contain incidents, and obtain responses to foster research and resolve the problems detected.

In Pulgarín’s opinion, in a scenario where vulnerabilities can cause severe damages to a company’s operation, this ecosystem must focus on 5 key areas to prevent and address potential cyberattacks:

  1. Development: Everything a company publishes in the web; for instance, source codes, applications, commercial web pages, corporate sites, and other developments.
  2. Data Centers: All services except web pages, such as GPS management, biometry software, virtual machines, user authentication systems, and file repository, among others.
  3. Connectivity: Every access channel, such as Internet, MPLS, and broadband channels, among others.
  4. Endpoints: User devices, such as business computers and tablets, as well as corporate smartphones.
  5. Users: They are the ones who consume the information and need to know what should be done to prevent them from being victims of hacker scams, through awareness and training on cybersecurity.

About Cirion

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber networks, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communications and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses.  Cirion owns and operates a portfolio of networks and data centers, with extensive coverage throughout the Latin American region.  Learn more about Cirion at

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Media Contact:

Carolina Díaz
Tel: + 56 9 42523795

Paulette Cartes
Tel: + 56 9 34114971

CenturyLink Expands Data Center Operations in Santiago

CenturyLink Expands Data Center Operations in Santiago

CenturyLink Expands Data Center Operations in Santiago

New construction model optimizes energy and space efficiencies

SANTIAGO, ChileDec. 11, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Global communications and IT provider CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE: CTL) is expanding its broad regional offering of colocation, hosting, cloud computing, security, collaboration, communications and managed services for its existing and new customers by launching a new energy and space efficient data center in Chile.

Learn more about CenturyLink´s new data center:

“Located in Huechuraba, north of the Chilean capital, Santiago, and in proximity to customers, the new facility has 24×7 availability, next-generation security systems and is energy and space efficient through the use of an innovative construction model,” said Gabriel del Campo, vice president, data center and security, CenturyLink Latin America. “Using a modular construction model, we were able to have the facility operational in less time — an important benefit to customers eager to take advantage of our data center services.”

Chile’s new data center integrates with CenturyLink’s 18 other data centers in Latin America, as well as the company’s broad global infrastructure, by providing direct connectivity to CenturyLink’s approximately 450,000 route miles of fiber globally.

“Our data center and managed services business is growing,” added del Campo. “We count on high quality data centers to provide our customers with the best solutions and services.”

The data center will provide customers with a processing environment designed to deliver high levels of availability, improved quality and increased speed of access to the rest of the world. The new facility also offers customers fiber route diversity for deployment of contingency environments.

Through this innovative construction model, CenturyLink was able to meet the following objectives:

  • Offer infrastructure in compliance with the Uptime Institute’s TIER III requirements and regulations TIA 942 and NFPA75 to ensure the level of service required by enterprise customers, in alignment with the strictest rules for next-generation data centers.
  • Maximize power efficiency and optimize the use of space.
  • Offer a seismic resistant computing center.
  • Reduce launch times for new data center rooms.

Key Facts:

  • Similar to the data center CenturyLink opened earlier this year in Quito, Ecuador, the new data center was built using a modular construction system known as eCentre, a pre-assembled facility, equipped and tested in the factory in Sweden, and customized to ensure the building meets all local structural regulations for this type of construction.
  • The first phase of the project consisted of a one floor 1500KW data center; however, the complete project is designed to enable vertical expansion to two floors, offering additional space for more than 120 racks on each floor.
  • CenturyLink’s data centers host both CenturyLink’s and customers’ environments, with a team of specialized technicians managing the environments.
  • CenturyLink’s data centers in Latin America received several certifications, including the Uptime Institute’s TIER III, SAP Hosting Partner, ISO/IEC 27017 and ISO/IEC 27001, reflecting its commitment to maintain the high level of quality established by international standards for data center management.
  • CenturyLink regularly measures and improves its data center and security services. An important part of its ongoing maintenance process includes updating and renewing the certification of its installations, the foundation for its strict information security policies, for traditional and cloud services.
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