Changing the way we watch TV thanks to high-performance internet and a friendly live streaming

December 18, 2023 e Cirion:


Changing the way we watch TV thanks to high-performance internet and a friendly live streaming


Chilean company adopted Cirion Technologies’ technology and services to reach thousands of users in Latin America through its live streaming platform, with almost zero latency and a nimble and intuitive experience.

Today’s live streaming television takes us to new places – we can enjoy traditional sports during the week or watch long-awaited movies in the comfort of our homes.   It allows us to explore the world in real time and access a large number of content creators and experiences, wherever we are, with just a click or slide of a finger on our smartphones.   However, this live and instant “magic” requires a critical engine: a high-quality, internet backbone service.

For this was no simple task, since video is what generates the largest amount of internet traffic in the world.   Between 60% and 70% of global internet traffic is caused by video traffic, which consumes the most bandwidth.  Therefore, deploying a live video platform without affecting the different internet providers or internet backbone routes, is not easy.

“We felt the need to seek an internet provider that would allow our platform to be as close as possible to people, since the less “hops” the user needs while connecting to our platform, the better it is for communications and the lower the probability of encountering saturated internet backbones”, explains Ignacio Opazo, CTO and Co-founder of  “We view Cirion as a solid company we can trust and work with, obtaining the necessary bandwidth and the best quality possible in the market.   From the beginning of the project, we’ve always had a very fluid relationship with Cirion,” adds Opazo. began its relationship with Cirion in 2019, in Chile, where we provided the streaming company with what they needed: a 100Gb internet backbone, Housing and Cross Connect (end-to-end cable links).   In practice, Ignazio Opazo explains, there are even more Gbs, “because we have these 100 Gb with each one of our customers, that is, around 500Gb distributed.   Furthermore, we’re connected to the international backbone to give us a quick exit to Brazil and Peru, with minimum latency”.

“We also needed a partner who would help us grow in Latin America, and Cirion has been leading the region for more than 30 years.  To us, it’s easier to operate in several countries, like Brazil, Peru, and soon in Colombia, without having to search for new internet providers in each country”, added the CTO.

It’s worth remembering that live streaming generates enormous internet traffic, differently from traditional on-demand streaming, like Netflix and other plataforms.  Furthermore, has their own live streaming channels, where they offer a second by second service and can’t have any latency.  Having a premium internet service becomes essential for the service, especially if we consider that only in Chile the service already has more than 100 thousand subscribers.

“Thanks to Cirion’s regional presence and experience, with our extensive fiber network, cutting-edge technology, and background offering high-capacity, high-availability connectivity solutions, Zapping can reach new Latin American markets without the complexity of having to look for other providers”, explains  David Iacobucci, from Cirion Chile.’s expansion in Latin America didn’t take long to happen. is present in Chile, Brazil, Peru, and soon in Colombia, and plans to expand to other countries in Latin America.   Thanks to Cirion’s solid presence in these countries, when arriving in new markets, we only need to assemble and replicate the previously designed architecture.   “Entering new countries with Cirion is very simple”, underscored Opazo.

“Our customers received this really well, since content is deployed instantly and in any device.   Thanks to Cirion’s technology, we can deliver a high-quality service with no latency”, concluded Zapping’s CTO. 

About Cirion

Cirion is a leading digital infrastructure and technology provider, offering a comprehensive suite of fiber networks, connectivity, colocation, cloud infrastructure, and communications and collaboration solutions with the purpose of furthering Latin America’s progress through technology. Cirion serves over 5,500 Latin America-based and multinational customers, including enterprises, government agencies, cloud service providers, wireline and wireless carriers, ISPs, and other leading businesses. Cirion owns and operates a portfolio of networks and data centers, with extensive coverage throughout the Latin American region. Learn more about Cirion at

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